Monday, August 24, 2009

I'll be there to protect you / Ahi estare para protejerte

I wish there was more love, less poverty, more solidarity! This photo I found on flickr from CARF Brasil (Children at Risk Foundation), reflects pure love, it is beautiful! 

Deseo que haya mas amor, menos pobreza, mas solidaridad! Esta foto que encontre en flickr de CARF Brasil (Children at Risk Foundation), refleja amor puro, es hermosa!

Beautiful Girls / Chicas Bonitas

Thank you Nina and Mia, mum and daughter, for your trust ... oh! and belly too! The experience was great! and also, it was great to catch up. 

Gracias Nina y Mia, mama e hija, por su confianza ... ah! y la panzita tambien! Fue una muy buena experiencia! y tambien sirvio para juntarno de nuevo.