Monday, August 24, 2009

I'll be there to protect you / Ahi estare para protejerte

I wish there was more love, less poverty, more solidarity! This photo I found on flickr from CARF Brasil (Children at Risk Foundation), reflects pure love, it is beautiful! 

Deseo que haya mas amor, menos pobreza, mas solidaridad! Esta foto que encontre en flickr de CARF Brasil (Children at Risk Foundation), refleja amor puro, es hermosa!

Beautiful Girls / Chicas Bonitas

Thank you Nina and Mia, mum and daughter, for your trust ... oh! and belly too! The experience was great! and also, it was great to catch up. 

Gracias Nina y Mia, mama e hija, por su confianza ... ah! y la panzita tambien! Fue una muy buena experiencia! y tambien sirvio para juntarno de nuevo.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Those eyes! / Esos ojos!

Yo siempre he pensado que mi bebe se parece mas a su tia que a mi, esos ojazos son de su tia, no cabe duda.

I have always thought that my baby looks more like his aunty rather than me, those beautiful eyes are without doubt from his aunty.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Every day is Father's Day / Todos los dias es el Dia del Padre

Mi papi, un ser unico, genuino, con un gran sentido del humor y una maravillosa forma de ver la vida. 

Recuerdo que el nos ponia frente al espejo junto con el y su camara para que el tambien saliera en las fotos ... como nos hacia reir, para que enseñaramos lo chimuelos que estabamos.

Siempre mi papa con la camara en mano, recuerdo, cuando era niña. Gracias a el, tenemos hermosas fotos familiares y ahora gracias a el aprendi a amar la fotografia.

Te quier0 muNcho papi!

My daddy, a very unique person, genuine, with a great sense of humor and a wonderful way of seeing life. 

I remember, he used to take photos of us infront of the mirror, so he was also in the photo ... he made us laugh so much, so we could show our smiles with some teeth missing.

He was always with his camera in hand, I remember, when I was a kid. Thanks to him, we have the most beautiful family photos, and now, thanks to him I learnt to love Photography.

I love you papi!

Love / Amor

I am lucky to have the opportunity to photograph this beautiful family. Aren't they adorable? 

Tengo suerte de poder fotografiar a tan bella familia. Apoco no son adorables?

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Inspiration / Mi Inspiracion

I am crazy in love with my boy! It is a beautiful thing, this feeling. I cant get enough of taking photos of him, and he just loves posing for me, he is my favorite model.

Estoy loquita de amor por mi niño! Es una cosa hermosa, este sentimiento. No me canso de tomarle fotos y el feliz posando, es mi modelo favorito.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Photography / Fotografia

Thanks Mother and Daughter for your trust. This photo session was very special to me. 

Gracias Madre e Hija por su confianza. Esta sesion fue muy especial para mi.